I'm letting go

I’m letting go “This was the last thing I expected to hear, and I walked off with a heavy heart because I was holding on tight to a lot of things and I’m not about to let go……….” I was ready on that day to come when I could finally meet him and be with him forever. “I am ready”, I thought ----ready to give the things that he would ask, in able for me to stay with him for the rest of my life. Ready to do the things that I must do just to gain his love. Thus, I prepared for him so that he would be pleased, and finally that day has come. I built up strength and courage to stand in front of him and face him with confidence. I was so excited on that day, because I thought everything will go right, but it was just a thought. A thought that sometimes was too far from reality, the thought that “I can” but reality says, “I can’t”. The thought that “I was ready” but the truth is, I was wrong. I came to him running, as he was preparing for a journey. I greeted him with great ...