To Modern Ruth

TO MODERN RUTH Young ladies, I'm so proud of your progress. You’ve grown up and you're now more mature. T'was a wonderful journey that makes you who you are today. It was your experience and a lesson of life that makes you bold and I know little by little you're getting to know your priorities, responsibilities and of what is really important and what is not. You are no longer allowing the world to define you and you're now trading your flaws and insecurities with His grace. I can say that you're now standing firm in a strong foundation and that makes you more beautiful. Right now, you're in a season of midwinter where the night is long, but take heart because you know that it will end soon. Though it will take so long, there is coming dawn and soon you're going to experience pure bliss. Remember that pure gold is destined to put in the fire so that it will come out to be proved pure, just like your heart and your faith will put it to te...