It is well with my soul

"All is well", " everything is going to be okay", "nothing to worry", "don't be afraid"

Easier said than done, right? 

When you are going through a difficult situation or When you feel like you are sailing into an unending road of wilderness, sometimes those words are hard to believe and accept. sometimes it can't help to ease your troubled heart.


How do you find peace when you are in the middle of a raging storm?
How could you relax in an uncertain place?
How could you calm your heart when fear is eager to control you? 
How could you manage to sleep and rest regardless of what's happening in your surroundings?

Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you restless and disturbed within me? 

23 Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. 24 Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”26 Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.27 The disciples were amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked. “Even the winds and waves obey him!” 
(Matthew 8:23-27)
I know this story for a long time. but even the story that so familiar to us can be a new story when you hear it again in a season where you need it. the same story you read before can make a different impact on your journey right now.

Imagine the scene where Jesus is sleeping in the midst of the storm while His disciples are worried that they are going to drown. Do you imagine the fear and panic in the heart of the disciples? As I'm reading this part, I find that it's normal for them to feel that way because they know that it's not an ordinary storm they are encountering, but it's a strong storm that is wrecking their boat. His disciples (which some of them are fishermen and spent most of their lives at sea) are familiar with the danger they are facing, so they are anxious about what can happen to them. But surprisingly, this storm and the commotion that is happening around can't wake Jesus in his sleep. Do you also imagine how Jesus is so calm and how He can rest in the midst of this chaos? Interestingly, right? How could Jesus do it? 

what happened before that scene makes you wonder if Jesus knows what will be going to happen and maybe He plans it from the start--What is in His mind before the storm happen? Is He really just tired that's why He is in deep sleep? but why on the boat he chose to rest? Maybe, just maybe, He wants to teach his disciples of what is meant to "be still".

Let's take a look back, 

before Jesus decided to go into a boat with His disciple, He was busy healing and teaching the people. Matthew 8:1 is the story of the man with leprosy and verse 5 is the story of the roman officer. I notice that this two-story has to do with faith. 

I was wondering if Jesus plans to test the heart of His disciples or maybe He wants to test their faith-- if they really understand the lesson that Jesus wants to teach them during their journey or maybe, He is also dealing with their issues. Then, there's something that I realize along the way: we can relate to the disciples. 

Imagine, most of their days are spent with the Lord so they witness how Jesus performed a miracle. They are chosen and followers of Christ, yet they still have this issue: 

They still feel anxious and afraid despite the miracles they have seen. They are still doubting if Jesus can provide despite the provisions they encounter (see Mark 8:14-21). Their faith is still wavering despite the greater thing they've witnessed; they find it's hard to believe those words from Jesus when they are seeing what their naked eye sees (see Matthew 14:22-33, John 20:24-29). 

Then I find myself asking, Aren't we like the disciples? We have miracles from the past but we often forgot them whenever we are in the season of a test and ohh-- how we easily forgot our own testimony of faith we encounter before. And just like the disciples, we question God when we find that our prayers are not seem answered. when we feel like God is silent in the midst of chaos we are facing, then we thought that God doesn't care about us. We start to feel afraid and doubting if He can do it again. The eyes that witness the greatness of God before, is also the eyes that focus on the storm right now. Oh, how we easily forgot the promise He ensured in our heart.

Disciples: "Teacher, don't you care that we're going to drown?"  
Jesus: "Why are you afraid? have you forgotten that I am with you?"

The disciples missed the point. They missed the message of what Jesus trying to tell them. The disciples forgot that they are secured because He is with them. "Jesus is on the boat with you". They forgot that Jesus is their security and He is able to save them, that there's nothing could happen outside of His will. And Just like them, we forgot that Jesus is with us in every season we are going through. We forgot the message of the storm: that we can be still because we know the one who is with us can calm the great storm, That He is the great I am, He is our Lord. 

But what is good to this story, Jesus knows their issue from the very start but He never let them down. He is patiently dealing with their weaknesses. He never condemned them for having those feelings, in fact, He never gets tired to remind them who He is and how He secured them with a promise:

1. It's possible to have peace in this world. not because they can, (Jesus knows they can't and they are not able to overcome the anxiety in their heart by their own strength) but it possible to find it (peace) only on Him, he assured them that he is already done it. He overcomes it and gives the victory. (see John 16:33)  

2. Jesus is with them until the end (see Matthew 28:20). notice that before the promise there is this verse 17: "but some were doubted", and here comes the promise: "and be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age". (Isn't Jesus is amazing? oh, how He loves us to called us still and entrust us despite of our unbelief). He said this to secure again His disciples knowing that they will be going through a difficult situation because of their calling. He also said it for the doubtful heart to be secured. 

I can go on to this but even this page is not enough to write all of His promises, but one thing that we need not to miss: "Jesus is on our boat" so we can rejoice in times of trouble, we can be calm and confident to face the tomorrow uncertainty, we can rest in this pandemic because Jesus is with us. 

This line in a drama caught my eyes and made me think of it. 

How Jesus do it? Because He is sure that nothing will happen outside of the will of His father, He is sure that this storm knows who He is. 

My friend told me that sometimes our life is like we are on the cradle and someone is swinging us, we can be rest and enjoy it or we can feel uncomfortable and worried of the danger. it depends on the one who is swinging you. Is this person is stranger to you or the one you trust most?

So I will end up this with a question, what are you sure of? 


He cares (1 peter 5:7)
He goes with you and never leaves you (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5)
He is for you and not against you (Romans 8:31)
His plan is not intended to harm you, in fact, He gives you Hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11)
And He will remain faithful (2 Timothy 2:13) because He loves us. 

These are the things I am sure of and we can live confident even in the season of uncertainty.

Then I will say to my soul,“Don’t be discouraged; don’t be disturbed,for I fully expect my Savior-God to breakthrough for me.Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again.”Yes, living before his face is my saving grace! (Psalm 43:5)

So let go my soul and trust in Him

The waves and wind still know His name.

Bible, It is well (Bethel), Oh my soul (Casting Crown), Thirty but seventeen (korean drama series)


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