To the one who remain

You made it! My beloved, well done to all the chapters you finished. Well done to the season you have been through. It's not easy to endure it, but seeing you standing still, that's what makes your story more beautiful. You know what? I really appreciate you for not giving up on your calling despite of all those voices you hear, telling you “you are not enough, you can't make it”. I also appreciate you for all the battles you have fought, though you think you lose all the battles, but you really did great! You fought the good fight of faith. And that's what makes you amazing. Thank you for trying it again every time you fail, i know, that it's not easy to start again but you still keep on going! And I am proud of you. Thank you for holding tight to the promise even though your losing your hope at times. It seems like it is impossible to happen but you keep on waiting until you will see the result. Thank you for choosing to depend on me everyday. Yes,...