To the one who remain
You made it! My beloved, well done to all the chapters you finished. Well done to the season you have been through.
It's not easy to endure it, but seeing you standing still, that's what makes your story more beautiful.
You know what? I really appreciate you for not giving up on your calling despite of all those voices you hear, telling you “you are not enough, you can't make it”. I also appreciate you for all the battles you have fought, though you think you lose all the battles, but you really did great! You fought the good fight of faith. And that's what makes you amazing.
Thank you for trying it again every time you fail, i know, that it's not easy to start again but you still keep on going! And I am proud of you.
Thank you for holding tight to the promise even though your losing your hope at times. It seems like it is impossible to happen but you keep on waiting until you will see the result. Thank you for choosing to depend on me everyday. Yes, it may not be easy to surrender and to let go, but here you are; doing it by coming to me everyday, telling me its hard but allowing me to do it. And that's the bravest thing I've seen. In everything you do for me, you put a smile on my face and I celebrate because of you.

My beloved, I am pleased. You did it well, you survived!
Cheer up, my brave warrior, my love will never fail you. Remember that I am with you even in your darkest moment. I am your hero, remember? I will save you. I will take delight in you with gladness. And I will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Let me secure you again,
in your strength and in your weaknesses, in your failure and in your victory I will be the same. I will refresh your life, I will satisfy your heart with my love, I will regain your strength. Yesterday, today and forever I will still be the same. I am still your savior.
My dear faithful one, nothing you do for me is wasted. Your works behind the curtain will not go unnoticed. Your seeds will not remain seeds. You will not kept barren. Your longest night will be over. I sustained you in the wilderness, and I will do it again. Not one of my promises to you will be left unfulfilled. Not a single one will fail. You are not forgotten and so my promises. It will happen! So don't stop. You're almost there. I carried you and I will always keep on carrying you even when you are already old and gray. I've done it and i will keep on doing it. I just want you to know that I will still love you even in those moment you failed and kept on sinning.
I am not mad at you, I only hate the sin but I'm still fighting for you even at this moment.
And to those times that you're no longer fighting, I am the one who's fighting the battle for you. Even in those moments you're no longer praying, I'm the one praying for you.
You are more than a conqueror my beloved. Just take heart because I overcome the world. Keep on reminding yourself that “it is not done yet” like what you did before, because I am, I am still not done yet to you, there's more to come; a story that no eyes have seen nor ears have heard what I planting in the future. So be patient, don't get tired of waiting, don't lose your hope.
This chapter has come to an end but there's a new chapter that I'm about to begin; a chapter that is more beautiful than the good old ones.
I am creating new and you no longer think about the old days anymore. Your season is coming. You will blossom again. It will happen my beloved. Just remain! And I assure you my faithfulness will remain and I will never let you down.
“Relax, everything is going to be alright; Rest, everything's coming together; open your heart, Love is on its way”
notes: zephaniah 3:17, isaiah 46:4, john 16:33, isaiah 43:18, season by hillsong, Jude 1:1-2 The message