To my Lifegroup

It’s been a long tiring day my dear because our journey into the promise was too long and the battle we fight is not yet over. I know, there are those moment that you ask, 
“how long will I wait? How long will it take? How long will I endure? How long will this season last? 
You long for the good old days because you feel that you are no longer growing. The progress was too slow, the process was too long.
There are those days that you are tempted to complain and compare your situation to others. There are times that you lose your battle within, your feelings surpass your passion. Your praise report now is getting worn out. You no longer hold the reason of your joy. There are those moments that you cry out to God but it seems like nothing’s happening, and there are those thoughts that you think your works are in vain. But 
please-- keep fighting, fight until the end to fulfill your purpose, to finish your duty. Please don’t stop until you see the results. Don’t quit because we need you.

You think that when you quit we got nothing to lose because you’re just a small part of the group and you contribute nothing, but what you think is far from the truth; when you leave us behind we lose, because you belong. Like a body that has many parts, you are part of this story. You are one of the chosen. When you feel pain, we also feel the pain. When you win, we celebrate. We rejoice and mourned with you. When you are in trouble, so are we, because we are one. Like a sequoia tree, our roots are destined to intertwine to sustain each other for as to grow continually and survive. So don’t distance yourself, just stay. Because every time you choose to stay you motivate us to keep going. Every time you choose to endure, you inspire us to be brave, because for us, everything you do matters, nothing is wasted.
That small coal within you can ignites a fire within us. You, yourself is the harvest you’re looking for, within you is the answered prayer we asked. 
There are no small things when it comes to God. It’s not over yet, we will see His purpose at the end. So stand firm brave warrior, embrace again the promise you received before. It may take a long time before you conquer the promise land but along the way we will realize that the promise land was really there and was near to us. Don’t give up your hope and keep on dreaming. It’s really a long process my dear but be patient and believe that this long process will produce beautiful results. We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist but it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright. We’ll see it all then, see it all, as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly as he knows us. But for now, as things are not done yet, keep that love within and wait until the fight is won.

And when the time comes that you need to leave, its OK my dear, When God calls you to another place it’s the right time that you have to go; I will be glad and be proud of you. Your success will be my success. When you fail, remember that your failure will be your strength too. And when the moments you are down remember how we fight together. My prayer will go with you wherever you are. Then you’ll see that you are never been alone in this journey.

notes: 1cor.13tmsg, 1cor. 12:12-31 tmsg


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