
Showing posts from 2020

It is well with my soul

"All is well", " everything is going to be okay", "nothing to worry", "don't be afraid" Easier said than done, right?  When you are going through a difficult situation or When you feel like you are sailing into an unending road of wilderness, sometimes those words are hard to believe and accept. sometimes it can't help to ease your troubled heart. But-- How do you find peace when you are in the middle of a raging storm? How could you relax in an uncertain place? How could you calm your heart when fear is eager to control you?  How could you manage to sleep and rest regardless of what's happening in your surroundings? Why are you in despair , O my soul? And why are you restless and disturbed within me?  23  Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples.   24  Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.   25  The disci...

To Modern Ruth

TO MODERN RUTH Young ladies, I'm so proud of your progress. You’ve grown up and you're now more  mature. T'was a wonderful journey that makes you who you are today. It was your experience and a lesson of life that makes you bold and I know little by little you're getting to know your priorities, responsibilities and of what is really important and what is not. You are no longer allowing the world to define you and you're now trading your flaws and insecurities with His grace. I can say that you're now standing firm in a strong foundation and that makes you more beautiful. Right now, you're in a season of midwinter where the night is long, but take heart because you know that it will end soon. Though it will take so long, there is coming dawn and soon you're going to experience pure bliss. Remember that pure gold is destined to put in the fire so that it will come out to be proved pure, just like your heart and your faith will put it to te...

To my boaz

On the other side of the story, there's a little girl who loves a fairy tale and she believe that one day, she will live happily ever after. as she grow old and become a woman, she has this dream: that one day, she will walk down the aisle saying the two words to his prince in front of the crowds. love doesn't miss a thing. she never know what God has plan it to her life long ago-- that her magical moment can happen in just a glimpse of her faithfulness, and in her waiting... God finally answered her prayer in unexpected place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ faithful. "Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?" one of the hardest season is waiting, but being faithful at the same time is another thing. the test of faithfulness comes in the test of time, mostly in a moment of choice. but its not just end in there, the test continue until its done. Until you finally see His purpose....